RapidPick MP: 20 Pin Colony Picker
The RapidPick MP 20 pin colony picker software is the fastest, most accurate automated colony picking system in the world. The average inoculation rates of the MP are over 99%. The major competitors use batch picking so there is a delay in placing colonies into the destination plate. The delay may weaken E. coli or other bacterial colonies or cause death.
This microbial colony picker’s small footprint saves lab space and easily fits into anaerobic chambers and biosafety hoods. The typical colony picking rate is around 2,400 colonies per hour. Software Plug-Ins are available to communicate with all Hudson Robotics instruments and over 200 instruments from other manufactures such as LiCONiC incubators, media dispensers, robotic arms and more. The open physical layout allows for easy integration with other instruments and cleaning. Hudson Robotics can provide chambers to showcase your workcell.